Sally Ghanim – Float Away to Inner Peace
Sally Ghanim and her husband opened Therapods Float Spa October 2014 in Fayetteville, Arkansas. She has had an autoimmune disease since early childhood and a Traumatic Brain Injury from a car wreck in her teens. Floatation experiences resolved her issues and thus she committed to bringing the floatation (and other healing modalities) to Northwest Arkansas for everyone else to enjoy. This spa includes floatation tanks, Lucia Light, massage, and hairstyling. We will discuss the relaxation techniques that Therapods Spa employs for increasing their clients’ state of Inner Peace.
Connect with Therapods at the website (, like their Facebook page, or email them at Therapods@yahoo(include extension .com when you write)
In this episode, you will learn:
- What is a floatation tank and what does it do for you?
- What does the research say about this?
- What is the Lucia Light?
- How does sensory deprivation affect the human experience?
- How does these modalities improve your life?
- Who invented these protocols?
InnerZension Radio helps listeners develop their personal sense of sustained Inner Peace, no matter what is happening in and around them. The host, Chris McCleary, is a retired military aviator who underwent a drastic transformation to become a licensed psychotherapist in Northwest Arkansas. Email us to provide feedback for the show or to recommend new interviews: InnerZension@gmail (add the extension .com before sending your email).
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